Hi everyone!
Tomorrow night marks the first performance of an evening of one-act plays from the Haifa English Theatre. I'll be performing in the second play, a comedy called "The Bear" by Chekhov. It would mean so much to me if any blog readers show up... stick around afterward to say hi!
Here are full details:
LOVE UNREQUITED, an evening of one-act plays produced by the Haifa English Theatre, opens in June at Haifa’s Beit Hagefen Auditorium. The three plays focus on the inner psyches of the characters--their loneliness, longing and needs for love.
The plays included are Something Unspoken and Portrait of a Madonna written by Pulitzer Prize winning American playwright Tennessee Williams, as well as The Bear, a farce written by the well-loved Russian author Anton Chekhov.
In Something Unspoken, Williams draws from his Southern background in his portrayal of the imperial Cornelia Scott, and of her long-suffering secretary-companion Grace. The two of them share a silence “that nothing less than dynamite could break though.”
In Chekhov’s The Bear, Madam Popova (me!) is mourning her late husband when Grigory Stepanovitch comes to collect a debt. Popova’s loyal servant Lukeria witnesses the beginning of their romance.
In Portrait of a Madonna Williams explores the tragic story of Lucretia Collins who has aged in isolation. When she asks the building manager for help, he sends the elevator boy and the porter instead. They watch silently as a doctor and nurse enter. Time has run out for her.
LOVE UNREQUITED is directed by Murray Rosovsky and will be performed by the Haifa English Theatre on the following dates at the Beit Hagefen Auditorium, 33 Zionism, Haifa.
Thursday 3 June -- 20:30
Saturday 5 June -- 21:00
Tuesday 8 June -- Matinee 17:30
Thursday 10 June -- 20:30
Saturday 12 June -- 21:00
Tickets are available at the door and by mail order. For more information please call Hazel
at 04-872-7940 (evenings).
All the plays look great in rehearsal, and I can't wait to go to performance tomorrow. I hope you can show up to support the Haifa English Theatre!
P.S. I also blogged about the Krayot recently at a new blog a friend started encouraging olim to move to the northern coastal areas. You can find my entry here, along with great info about all the coastal communities: http://go-coast.blogspot.com/
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